After Dark CC Theme For Win8//10 - Skin Pack Theme for Windows 10.10 Killer Dark Themes for Windows 10 ( Black Edition)

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After Dark CC Theme For Win8//10 - Skin Pack Theme for Windows 11 & 10 - Deviation Actions

  After Dark CC - Download free windows 10 themes # Description: The design of After Dark CC has a completely dark color scheme, and this applies not only. After Dark CC Theme Win10 Fall Creators Visual Style for Windows 7 Theme For Windows10 Anniversary Update And Windows10 Creators Update and. After you have done all of this, you need to reboot your PC. Now you should have your dark theme on your Windows But this is not the.    


- After dark cc theme windows 10 anniversary update free download


OldNewExplorer is already installed. Change to default theme then restart computer. Restart complete then apply "After Dark CC" again. Worked like a charm! I'm thinking about purchasing more of your themes here.

If you want install new ipack icon, you need uninstall old ipack icon. Could you send me the Reload Icons. The link in Notepad is no longer valid. Hey, the download link isn't working. Would appreciate it if you can send the link please.

I have check Link still work good. Hello, is there a way to blacklist applications to not use the dark ui, because some of my softwares are very hardly readable if they are dark, because not every text will turn white. When You buy theme - In future, if windows 10 have Update New Version, I will update theme for new windows 10 version and send it free for you. Please wait me a bit time, I will update theme and icon for it and send it for you.

Support : If you like my work, please consider buying a theme [Customer's benefits]. Note : Please use 7zip for extract [link]. Facebook Twitter Linkedin Pinterest Email. Donate Version No ads, No Pop-up.

Download Link. Credit Author: cleodesktop. Related Posts. Cleodesktop August 4, at AM. Cleodesktop August 4, at PM. Unknown August 4, at PM. Cleodesktop August 5, at AM. Unknown August 11, at AM. Cleodesktop August 11, at AM. AO4sho August 17, at PM.

Cleodesktop August 17, at PM. Thank you! I just have some issues about on some areas on the windows explorer, some of them were not turned to dark, they are still light white and the text where gray which doesnt look appropraite. Is it possible to edit the theme of this make this completely dark as it should? I am currently using Dell XPS 13 laptop. Can u give me a detailed instruction please. I am just new in this forum.

It just have in premium version here : [Link]. Free only 1 Version, no iPack icon. Hey Cleodesktop, Any idea why after i followed your instructions in installing third party themes General instructions , it worked fine at all. But my problem is every time i start up my computer from a dead shutdown been off for few hours or days , when i get to the Windows login screen it keeps on repeating.

I just cant log. But when i restart it i can finally log it in. Looks like it has something to do with the 3rd party theme application because when im not using 3rd party themes at all, my computers starts like normal, no problems with the windows login or completely black screen.

Please let me know if you have any idea. Thank you very much. Regards, Hack. You use wrong version theme. What your windows 10 version? View all replies. Can you provide a link to your mediafire download link that is not shortened? I have security concerns with url shorteners. You can buy theme for get it and also for support. Looks fantastic. When you actually update the link for the free version I will try it and if I like it I will purchase!

Let us know when you update the link. I have updated link free Bought the pack for the Anniversary Update, absolutely gorgeous. The dark packs all look like shit cause they fuck with the Win10 flat style and make it look like the Win8 version of chrome, not to mention disgusting white outlines around the elements.

Can you hack on Chrome resources to make it fit in with After Dark? You try use this theme: chrome. I use this theme: chrome.


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